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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
flutningur eigin gagna
data porting
upplýsingatækni og fjarskipti
[is] væntanlegt
[en] In order to be effective and to make switching between service providers and data porting easier, such codes of conduct should be comprehensive and should cover at least the key aspects that are important during the process of porting data, such as the processes used for, and the location of, data back-ups; the available data formats and supports; the required IT configuration and minimum network bandwidth; the time required prior to initiating the porting process and the time during which the data will remain available for porting; and the guarantees for accessing data in the case of the bankruptcy of the service provider.

[en] moving data from one service provider to another or back to the owner''s own IT systems, not least upon termination of the owner''s contract with a service provider (IATE).

Skjal nr.
sjá líka data portability í stóru persónuverndarreglugerðinni = það að flytja eigin gögn

flutningur - orðflokkur no. kyn kk.

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