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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
alkali salt
íðefni (efnaheiti)
[is] Á grundvelli gagna, sem Evrópusamtök kalkframleiðenda hafa lagt fram, er ljóst að framleiðsla kalkafurða úr tiltækum hráefnum gerir það ókleift að fara að þeim hreinleikaskilyrðum sem gilda um E 526, kalsíumhýdroxíð, og E 529, kalsíumoxíð, að því er varðar magn magnesíum- og alkalísalta.

[en] On the basis of data provided by the European Lime Association, it appears that the manufacturing of lime products from available raw materials does not permit them to comply with the existing purity criteria set for E526 calcium hydroxide and E529 calcium oxide, as regards the level of magnesium and alkali salts.

[en] alkali salts or basic salts are salts that are the product of the neutralization of a strong base and a weak acid.
Rather than being neutral (as some other salts), alkali salts are bases as their name suggests. What makes these compounds basic is that the conjugate base from the weak acid hydrolyzes to form a basic solution. In sodium carbonate, for example, the carbonate from the carbonic acid hydrolyzes to form a basic solution. The chloride from the hydrochloric acid in sodium chloride does not hydrolyze, though, so sodium chloride is not basic.
The difference between a basic salt and an alkali is that an alkali is the soluble hydroxide compound of an alkali metal or an alkaline earth metal. A basic salt is any salt that hydrolyzes to form a basic solution. The hydroxide compounds are not salts.
Another definition of a basic salt would be a salt that contains amounts of both hydroxide and other anions. White lead is an example. It is basic lead carbonate, or lead carbonate hydroxide (Wikipedia)

[is] Tilskipun framkvæmdastjórnarinnar 2009/10/EB frá 13. febrúar 2009 um breytingu á tilskipun 2008/84/EB um sérstök hreinleikaskilyrði fyrir önnur aukefni í matvælum en litarefni og sætuefni

[en] Commission Directive 2009/10/EC of 13 February 2009 amending Directive 2008/84/EC laying down specific purity criteria on food additives other than colours and sweeteners

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