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Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins

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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
shell company
samkeppni og ríkisaðstoð
[is] Þó geta komið upp aðstæður þar sem fyrirtæki stofna skúffufyrirtæki, sem hafa litla eða enga veltu sjálf, eða þau nota fyrirtæki um sameiginlegt verkefni, sem er þegar til og sem starfar á öðrum markaði en fyrirtækið sem taka á yfir, í því skyni að framkvæma yfirtökuna fyrir hönd móðurfyrirtækjanna.

[en] However, there may be circumstances where companies set up shell companies, which have little or no turnover of their own, or use an existing joint venture which is operating on a different market from that of the target company in order to carry out acquisitions on behalf of the parent companies.

[en] A shell company is a company that exists but does not actually do any business or have any assets. The most interesting type of shell company (to investors) is one that has a listing. This is a listed shell, and is almost always what is meant by a reference to a shell in an investment context.

A shell company can also mean a company that has never had a business (and certainly not a listing). In this context it often means what is also called a shelf company. These are incorporated purely to sell off-the-shelf. This offers a convenient alternative to setting up a company from scratch (the name of the company can be changed, new directors appointed, and possibly shares issued).
If a shell company in this sense has no active business, and has been in that state for some time, it is likely to be considered dormant and may be exempt from many reporting requirements.
Finally, the phrase is also used to describe companies that exist merely as a front for a person or organisation that wishes to hide its identity.

[is] Tilkynning framkvæmdastjórnarinnar um hugtakið hlutaðeigandi fyrirtæki samkvæmt reglugerð ráðsins (EBE) nr. 4064/89 um eftirlit með samfylkingum fyrirtækja

[en] Commission Notice on the concept of undertakings concerned under Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 on the control of concentrations between undertakings

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