Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins
Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
- dvergkornadreyri
- microcytosis
- infektion med Microcytos mackini, mikrocytose
- infection à Microcytos mackini
- Microcytosis
- Svið
- lyf
- Dæmi
Ég undirritaður, opinber matsmaður, votta hér með að lifandi lindýr, hrogn þeirra og svil, sem um getur í 6. lið þessa vottorðs, uppfylla eftirfarandi kröfur ... which is subject to a risk-based health monitoring and sampling programme - put in place, or officially recognised, by the competent authority - carried out in order to detect abnormal mortality (5) and keep track of the health situation of the susceptible (7) stocks, in particular as regards bonamiosis (Bonamia ostreae, B. exitiosus and Mikrocytos roughleyi), marteiliosis (Marteilia refiingens and Marteilia sydneyi), microcytosis (Mikrocytos mackini) ...
- [en] I, the undersigned official inspector, hereby certify that the live molluscs, their eggs and gametes referred to in point 6 of this certificate fulfil the following requirements ... which is subject to a risk-based health monitoring and sampling programme - put in place, or officially recognised, by the competent authority - carried out in order to detect abnormal mortality and keep track of the health situation of the susceptible stocks, in particular as regards bonamiosis (Bonamia ostreae, B. exitiosus and Mikrocytos roughleyi), marteiliosis (Marteilia refiingens and Marteilia sydneyi), microcytosis (Mikrocytos mackini), ...
- Skilgreining
óeðlilega smá rauðkorn í blóði (Íðorðasafn lækna á vef Árnastofnunar)
- [en] disease in oysters caused by Mikrocytos mackini (IATE)
- Rit
Ákvörðun framkvæmdastjórnarinnar frá 5. febrúar 2003 um breytingu á tilskipun ráðsins 95/70/EB um lágmarksráðstafanir Bandalagsins vegna eftirlits með tilteknum sjúkdómum sem herja á samlokur (tvískelja lindýr)
- [en] Commission Decision of 5 February 2003 amending Council Directive 95/70/EC introducing minimum Community measures for the control of certain diseases affecting bivalve molluscs
- Skjal nr.
- 32003D0083
- Orðflokkur
- no.
- Kyn
- kk.
- ENSKA annar ritháttur
- microcitosis
Denman disease
Denman Island disease
microcell disease of oysters
microcell disease of Pacific oyster
infection with Mikrocytos mackini
Takk fyrir
Ábendingin verður notuð til að bæta gæði þjónustu og upplýsinga á vef Stjórnarráðsins. Hikaðu ekki við að hafa samband ef þig vantar aðstoð.