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Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins

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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
fruit juice
[is] Ný gögn um tilvik sýna að nokkrar af gildandi undanþágum frá sjálfgefnum hámarksgildum eru ekki lengur nauðsynlegar vegna þess að hægt er að fylgja sjálfgefnum hámarksgildum með því að fylgja góðum starfsvenjum eða vegna þess að unnt er að ná lægri hámarksgildum. Þess vegna eru sérstök hámarksgildi ekki lengur nauðsynleg fyrir kál, annað en blaðkál, fersk belgaldin, flest ber og smá aldin en lækka ætti gildandi hámarksgildi fyrir smokka, flest aldingrænmeti, flesta aldinsafa, vín og kryddvín.

[en] New occurrence data show that some of the existing exemptions from default maximum levels are no longer necessary as the default maximum levels can be complied with by following good practices or that lower maximum levels would be achievable. Specific maximum levels are therefore no longer necessary for brassica other than leafy brassica, fresh legumes, most of the berries and small fruits while existing maximum levels should be lowered for cephalopods, most fruiting vegetables, most fruit juices, wine and aromatised wine.

[en] a) the juice obtained from fruit by mechanical processes, fermentable but unfermented, having the characteristic colour, aroma and flavour typical of the juice from the fruit from which it comes. In the case of citrus fruits, the fruit juice shall come from the endocarp; lime-juice, however, may be obtained from the whole fruit, by suitable production processes whereby by proportion of constituents of the outer part of the fruit is reduced to a minimum.

b) The product obtained from concentrated fruit juice by:-the restoration of the proportion of water extracted from the juice when it was concentrated, the water which is added having the appropriate characteristics, particularly from the chemical, microbiological and organoleptic viewpoints, for guaranteeing the essential qualities of the juices, and-the restoration of its aroma by means of the volatiles collected during the concentration of the fruit juice in question or from the juice of fruits of the same kind, and which has organoleptic and analytical characteristics equivalent to those of juice obtained from fruit of the same kind in accordance with (a) (IATE)

[is] Reglugerð framkvæmdastjórnarinnar (ESB) 2015/1005 frá 25. júní 2015 um breytingu á reglugerð (EB) nr. 1881/2006 að því er varðar hámarksgildi fyrir blý í tilteknum matvælum

[en] Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1005 of 25 June 2015 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 as regards maximum levels of lead in certain foodstuffs

Skjal nr.
Sjá fruit. Ath. að allir ávextir eru aldin en aðeins sum aldin eru ávextir. ,Fruit´ er þýtt sem ,ávextir´ ef aðeins er um sæt aldin að ræða, s.s. epli, perur eða plómur, annars ,aldin´.


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