Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins
Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
- vendistyrkur fyrir myndun hneppa
- critical concentration for micelle formation
- kritisk koncentration for micelledannelse
- kritisk micellkoncentration
- kritische Micellbildungskonzentration
- Svið
- íðefni
- Dæmi
Gagnlegt er að afla upplýsinga um vatnsleysni, byggingu og vatnsrofseiginleika efnisins og vendistyrk (e. critical concentration) fyrir myndun hneppa (e. micelle) áður en þessar prófanir eru gerðar.
- [en] It is useful to have preliminary information on the water solubility, the structure, the hydrolysis properties and the critical concentration for micelles formation of the substance before performing these tests.
- Rit
Reglugerð framkvæmdastjórnarinnar (EB) nr. 440/2008 frá 30. maí 2008 þar sem mælt er fyrir um prófunaraðferðir samkvæmt reglugerð Evrópuþingsins og ráðsins (EB) nr. 1907/2006 um skráningu, mat, leyfisveitingu og takmarkanir að því er varðar efni (efnareglurnar (REACH))
- [en] Commission Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 of 30 May 2008 laying down test methods pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
- Skjal nr.
- 32008R0440
- Athugasemd
- [en] there is a relatively small range of concentrations separating the limit below which virtually no micelles are detected and the limit above which virtually all additional surfactant molecules form micelles. Many properties of surfactant solutions, if plotted against the concentration, appear to change at a different rate above and below this range. By extrapolating the loci of such a property above and below this range until they intersect, a value may be obtained known as the critical micellization concentration (critical micelle concentration), symbol cM, abbreviation cmc (or c.m.c.). As values obtained using different properties are not quite identical, the method by which the cmc is determined should be clearly stated (IATE)
- Aðalorð
- vendistyrkur - orðflokkur no. kyn kk.
- ENSKA annar ritháttur
- critical micellar concentration
critical micelle concentration
Takk fyrir
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