Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins
Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
- umsýslustofnun
- servicer
- låneservicerer
- ansvarigt institut
- organe de gestion
- Servicer
- Svið
- efnahagsmál
- Dæmi
... umsýslustofnun: peningastofnun sem stjórnar lánum sem liggja til grundvallar verðbréfun daglega hvað varðar innheimtu á höfuðstóli og vöxtum frá skuldurum, og sem framsenda þau síðan til fjárfesta innan verðbréfunarkerfisins
- [en] ... "servicer" means an MFI which manages the loans underlying a securitisation on a day-to-day basis in terms of the collection of principal and interest from the obligors, which is then forwarded to investors in the securitisation scheme
- Skilgreining
- [en] a mortgage servicer is a company to which some borrowers pay their mortgage loan payments, if it has bought the mortgage servicing rights from the original mortgage lender. The duty of a mortgage servicer varies, but typically includes the acceptance and recording of mortgage payments; calculating variable interest rates on adjustable rate loans; payment of taxes and insurance from borrower escrow accounts; negotiations of workouts and modifications of mortgage upon default; and conducting or supervising the foreclosure process when necessary (Wikipedia)
- Rit
Reglugerð Seðlabanka Evrópu (EB) nr. 25/2009 frá 19. desember 2008 um efnahagsreikning peningastofnanageirans (endurútgefin)
- [en] Regulation (EC) No 25/2009 of the European Central Bank of 19 December 2008 concerning the balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions sector (Recast)
- Skjal nr.
- 32009R0025
- Orðflokkur
- no.
- Kyn
- kvk.
Takk fyrir
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